Page 29 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 29


               VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
          mistake                         not understand sth correctly      yanılmak, yanlış anlamak
          misuse                          use sth in the wrong way          yanlış/hatalı kullanmak
          mix                             combine substances                karıştırmak
          modify                          change sth in order to improve it  değişiklik yapmak
          monitor                         watch syh carefully               kontrol etmek, gözlemlemek
          motivate                        make sb enthusiastic about doing sth  motive etmek, güdülemek
          mourn                           feel very sad because sb has died  yas tutmak
          move                            change place                      hareket etmek, taşınmak
          mug                             attack and rob sb in a public place  gasp etmek
          multiply                        increase by a large number        artırmak, çarpmak
          murder                          kill sb intentionally             cinayet işlemek

          nail                            fasten sth with nails             çivilemek
          name                            give a name, say the name         isim vermek, adlandırmak
          necessitate                     make sth necessary                gerektirmek
          need                            sth/sb you must have or you must do  ihtiyacı olmak, gerekmek
          neglect                         not give enough care to sth/sb    ihmal etmek, göz ardı etmek
          negotiate                       try to make an agreement by discussion  müzakere etmek,
          nestle          against/in/on   rest yourself in a comfortable position  yaslanmak, dayanmak
          nod                             move your head up and down        başını sallamak
          nominate                        officially suggest a person for a position  aday göstermek
          notice                          see sth and be aware of it        farkına varmak
          nourish                         provide living things with food   beslemek, yedirip içirmek
          nullify                         make sth lose its effect          etkisini yok etmek
          nurture                         encourage the development of sth/sb  teşvik etmek
          obey                            do what you are told to do        itaat etmek, uymak
          object          to              say that you do not approve of sth/sb  karşı çıkmak
          obscure                         prevent sth from being seen       gizlemek
          observe                         watch                             dikkatle gözlemek
          obsess                          think about sth/sb all the time   takıntılı olmak
          obtain                          get                               elde etmek

          occupy                          fill a place or period of time    doldurmak, işgal etmek
          occur                           happen                            meydana gelmek, olmak
          offend                          make sb upset or angry            kırmak,gücendirmek
          offer                           ask or say that you are willing to do sth  teklif etmek, sunmak
          omit                            not include sth                   dahil etmemek, ihmal etmek
                                                                            karşı çıkmak, muhalefet
          oppose                          disagree and try to change it

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