Page 147 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 147
103.A friend is fiercely against using animals in 105.Because you missed a few classes at school,
tests and is thinking of organizing a campaign you ask a classmate to lend you his notebook
against a local drug company. As you do not for an important subject. Seeing that he is
share his views completely, you believe that quite reluctant, you feel you need to reassure
he is overreacting. To calm him down and get him and say:
him to reconsider the issue, you say:
A) Never mind, I’ll ask someone else for their
A) People feel they can treat animals any way notebook then.
they like because animals cannot sue them.
This is what we are here for! B) Okay, but don’t you ever ask me for any
favour from now on.
B) The last time we arranged a campaign like
that, I ended up in city prison. No, thank you. C) Well, either you give it or I know how to get it.
C) What is wrong with injecting a few chemicals D) Believe me I’ll keep it neat and return it in no
into a rat if it is for the benefit of humanity? time.
D) Calm down a bit, will you? You know very well E) But I didn’t reject when you borrowed my
that I am totally on your side. lesson notes, remember!
E) Have you talked to their management?
Perhaps they are doing experiments for
extremely useful medicine.
104.You have been invited to a friend’s flat. Yet, 106.In a very boring lesson you feel that you have
you learn that he owns a huge, unfriendly to invent an excuse to leave the class before
dog. You phone your friend and, quite frankly, you die of boredom. You tell the teacher:
A) Can we expect there to be at least one
A) I thought you were as scared as dogs as I am; question in the final test from this lesson’s
how come you decided to have a pet? enlightening topic?
B) I’m afraid I won’t be able to visit you on B) Excuse me for saying so, but can we leave
Saturday because my cousin is coming from early today and end this suffering now?
Germany then. C) Shall we please change the topic and discuss
C) I’ve been told about your pet dog; will it enjoy something more interesting for everyone
it if I bring a tin of dog food with me? here?
D) Please tell me that dog of yours won’t be D) May I go out and wash my face before I drop
around when I get there. Otherwise, I won’t be dead from boredom?
around there.
E) May I leave for a moment please? I think my
E) The last time I visited you, you didn’t have a nose is bleeding.
dog at all. Tell me how you got to own it.
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