Page 149 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 149


                                                            113.Most deserts get less than 12 inches of rain
                 111 - 120. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere      each year. The rains are not regular, and there
                 parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için       is no rain at all in some years. ---- Because the
                 getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.              ground is often hot, when it rains, some of the
                                                               rain turns into vapour and returns to the air
            111.The Aral Sea has undergone terrible changes    immediately.
                during the last 50 years. Water levels have
                dropped 14 meters and salinity has nearly      A)  Some of the rainwater is lost by evaporation.
                tripled. ---- This has brought the fishing
                industry, which at one time gave employment    B)  Countries with large deserts need to develop
                to 60.000 people, to an end.                      and manage them.
                                                               C)  Farmers can grow enough cotton to sell
                A)  Strong winds carry large amounts of salt      because of hot weather.
                   inland, which is spoiling fields and pastures.
                                                               D)  Deserts, however, usually do not have many
                B)  Salt stretches for 60 miles inland.           plants that people can eat.
                C)  Now that its size is reduced, this sea no   E)  The temperature is lowered, and the amount
                   longer exerts a moderating influence on the    of water in the air is increased.
                D)  New irrigation systems are being set up.
                E)  Even more serious is the fact that twenty
                   species of fish have been killed off.


            112.“Futurism” was an avant-garde movement      114.The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test
                founded in 1909 that celebrated the dynamism   for college admissions in the United States.
                of the modern world. It was chiefly an Italian   The SAT is administered by the public College
                movement and was mainly expressed              Board in the United States and is developed,
                in painting. ---- Therefore, futurism had      published, and scored by the Educational
                extensive influence outside Italy, particularly   Testing Service. ---- The test has possible
                in Russia. In Italy, the movement virtually died   scores from “1600” to “2400” combining test
                during World War I, but in Russia, it continued   results from three 800-point sections – math,
                to flourish into the 1920s.                    critical reading, and writing – along with other
                                                               subsections scored separately.
                A)  By the late 1930s Salvador Dali had
                   developed a more conventional style.        A)  In the early 2010s, a movement began among
                                                                  small liberal arts colleges to make the SAT
                B)  For instance, Stravinsky’s music aroused a    optional for admission to college.
                   great deal of controversy in the 1910s for its
                   rhythms and harmonies.                      B)  The current “SAT Reasoning Test” is
                                                                  administered in about 5 hours and costs
                C)  Picasso was one of the most inventive and     $41.50.
                   prolific talents in 20th century art.
                                                               C)  There are differences in funding, curricula,
                D)  However, it also embraced other arts,         grading, and difficulty among U.S. secondary
                   including literature and music.                schools.
                E)  On the other hand, the surrealists were    D)  In 2015, the test was changed again, largely
                   inspired by the thoughts and visions of the    in response to criticism by the University of
                   subconscious mind.                             California system.

                                                               E)  This was because universities wanted a firm
                                                                  ground upon choosing incoming students.

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