Page 154 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 154
133.Son sınavdan bu yana öğrencilerin dilbilgisi
131 - 140. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye sorularını yanıtlamada sergiledikleri ilerleme
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. gerçekten de şaşırtıcı.
131.Korsan baskı kitapların yaygınlaşması, A) The progress the students have displayed in
küçük yayınevlerinin kapanma sürecini answering grammar questions since the last
hızlandırmaktadır. exam is really surprising.
A) Because of widespread use of pirate copy B) The students have displayed a really
books, smaller publishing houses are speedily surprising level of progress in answering
going into a closure process. grammar questions since the last test.
B) Due to the fact that pirate copy books have C) What is really amazing is how the students
become widespread, smaller publishing managed to display such great progress in
houses are closing one after the other. answering grammar questions in the final test.
C) Pirate copy books’ becoming widespread D) During the last test the level of progress that
accelerates the process of closure of small the students displayed in answering grammar
publishing houses. questions was really amazing.
D) The widespread use of pirate copy books is E) It is really surprising that the students
causing speedy closure of smaller publishing displayed so much progress in answering
houses. grammar questions in the last test.
E) Widespread use of pirate copy books
helps increase the speed with which small
publishing houses close.
132.Gölün kirlenmesini önlemek amacıyla 134.Öğretim; gerçeklerin, fikirlerin, becerilerin ve
bakanlığımızın bu zamana kadar aldığı tekniklerin öğrencilere sistemli sunumudur.
tedbirler etkili olmuştur. A) Teaching presents facts, ideas, skills and
A) The prevention of pollution in the lake can techniques to students systematically.
only be achieved through the implementation
of strong measures by our ministry. B) The systematic presentation of facts, ideas,
skills and techniques to learners is called
B) The efforts of our ministry have failed to teaching.
prevent the lake from being polluted.
C) When facts, ideas, skills and techniques are
C) The measures our ministry has taken so far to presented to students systematically, this is
prevent the pollution of the lake have proved called teaching.
D) Teaching is known as the systematic
D) The application of various measures by our presentation of facts, ideas, skills and
ministry to prevent the pollution of the lake techniques to learners.
have proved to be inadequate.
E) Teaching is the systematic presentation of
E) Various precautions, so far introduced to facts, ideas, skills and techniques to students.
prevent the pollution of the lake by our
ministry, have become very effective.
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