Page 150 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 150
115.Since 1961 astronauts from the former USSR 117.Because of its nature of emphasising
and the US have travelled into space. ---- linguistic form rather than using language
Physicist Francis Slakey argues that they purely for its content, poetry is difficult to
are not. He says unmanned spacecraft can translate from one language into another. ----
conduct space research more efficiently and In other poems, the content is what makes
effectively than humans. a poem original and much more important.
Actually, in most poetry, it is the connotations
A) Sending astronauts to the Red Planet would and the “baggage” that words carry that are
cost tens of billions of dollars. most important.
B) The NASA must convince U.S. taxpayers that A) While there are reasonable interpretations,
space science is worth $13.6 billion a year. there can never be a definitive interpretation.
C) In those days, many people had a poster of B) These shades and nuances of meaning can
the Apollo astronauts on their bedroom wall. be difficult to interpret and cause different
D) But if machines can perform many of readers to “hear” a particular piece of poetry
the same functions in space as people, differently.
are humans really necessary for space C) Poetry can be differentiated most of the time
exploration? from prose, which is language meant to
E) Paul Spudis maintains that machines cannot convey meaning in a more extended manner.
replicate human handiness, judgement or D) A possible exception to this might be the
intelligence in space. Hebrew Psalms, where the beauty of ideas is
more important than content.
E) In addition to the forms of rhyme, alliteration
and rhythm that structure much poetry, sound
plays a more subtle role in even free verse
116.---- For centuries man travelled for days and 118.To many people, their friends are the most
weeks on foot or on the backs horses or important people in their life. But sometimes
camels. Today the reverse is true: we can fly other relationships can conflict with your
from one continent to another in just hours. friendship and cause powerful emotions. ----
In the past, the streets used to be crowded If they do and you want to keep them, it is
with slow, horse-drawn carriages, whereas important to make them feel valued. Set aside
they are packed with motor vehicles instead. some time to go out with them on your own,
Possibly the horses were just as noisy but at or introduce them to your new boyfriend or
least they didn’t pollute the atmosphere with girlfriend, and do things together.
exhaust fumes.
A) There might be some reserved or snobbish
A) Travelling has always been interesting for characters among your friends.
people. B) It is unwise to isolate yourself from your
B) Life today is different from the past, especially friends when you are in a boy-girl relationship.
in the means of transport.
C) When you are going through a bad patch with
C) Wars were won on the battle field in the past your boyfriend or girlfriend, your best friends
unlike today. might help you.
D) The story of the man who walked the country D) Even your best friends may get jealous if they
from one end to another shocked everyone. feel pushed out by your girlfriend or boyfriend.
E) No matter how hard we try, we can’t forget E) It is stimulating to be surrounded by a mix of
the good old days when everything was so friends with their different attitudes.
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