Page 155 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 155


            135.Okulu bitirdikten sonra engelliler, engelli   137.Eski Yunan biliminin korunmasında, Arapların
                insanları işe alan az sayıdaki yerlerde çalışma   tercüme eserleri çok büyük rol oynadı.
                                                               A)  The preservation of ancient Greek science
                A)  After finishing school, the disabled tend to   became possible because of the great role
                   work in the few places that hire disabled      that Arabic translations played.
                                                               B)  In the preservation of the science of ancient
                B)  After finishing school, disabled people intend   Greece, translated works of Arabs played a
                   to be employed where only disabled people      crucial role.
                   are hired.                                  C)  One great role of translated works by Arabs
                C)  After leaving school, disabled people intend to   was that they helped preserve the science of
                   work together in huge numbers of places that   ancient Greece.
                   employ these people.
                                                               D)  The role that translated works by Arabs
                D)  After finishing school, the handicapped try to   played in preserving the science of ancient
                   work in certain factories that only hire this kind   Greece has been so great.
                   of people.                                  E)  Translated works by Arabs have had a role in
                E)  After finishing school, handicapped people    preserving the science of the Ancient Greece.
                   tend to work together in the limited number of
                   places that employ them.


            136.Eski zamanlardan beri insanlar duyguları,   138.Ada geçen kasırganın enkazını henüz
                öyküleri ve sesleri vücutlarının hareketiyle   temizlemişti ki, bir başka azgın kasırga
                ifade etmişlerdir.                             tarafından yeniden vuruldu.
                A)  Throughout ancient times, people’s emotions,   A)  The island was struck again by a ferocious
                   stories and sounds were expressed by the       storm just after cleaning up the debris from
                   movement of their bodies.                      the last one.
                B)  In ancient times, humans moved their bodies   B)  No sooner had the island finished cleaning up
                   to express emotions, stories and sounds.       the debris from the last hurricane than was
                                                                  struck again by another ferocious storm.
                C)  Since ancient times, humans have expressed
                   emotions, stories and sounds through the    C)  The island had got rid of the debris from the
                   movement of their bodies.                      last hurricane when a ferocious storm struck.
                D)  During ancient times people used their body   D)  Following the cleaning up of the debris from
                   movements to express emotions, stories and     the last hurricane, the island was struck by a
                   sounds.                                        ferocious storm.
                E)  That humans express emotions, stories and   E)  It was just after the cleaning up of the debris
                   sounds through the movement of their bodies    from the last hurricane that another storm
                   has been a fact since ancient times.           struck the island.

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